OpenTelemetry is an open source project that anyone in the community can use, improve, and enjoy. We'd love you to join us! Here's a few ways to find out what's happening and get involved.
Using or want to use OpenTelemetry? Find out more here:
If you want to get more involved by contributing to OpenTelemetry, join us here:
You can find out how to contribute to OpenTelemetry in our Contribution Guidelines.
Interested in connecting with other end-users and providing feedback to OpenTelemetry maintainers? Check out the End User Resources to learn more.
We organize the community into Special Interest Groups (SIGs) in order to improve our workflow and more easily manage a community project. Read more from our community repo.
Looking for components, examples, integrations and more? See Ecosystem.
Vendor-agnostic resources for users of OpenTelemetry